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GATTACA : The plot, the introduction of key figures, the impact on the film industry

by 소소인베 (小小Invest) 2023. 11. 26.

GATTACA is a 1997 film that talks about a future in which people born by genetic engineering lead the society, while those born by traditional marital relationships live in the lower social ranks. From now on, we will learn about the plot, the introduction of key characters, and the impact on the movie industry.


GATTACA : The plot 

An employee of the GATTACA Aerospace Corporation, named Jerome Morrow, is actually ineligible for planetary exploration with the real name Vincent Freeman. His life began as a pure human being without genetic engineering, and he was judged to live only until he was 30 years old because of his innate myopia and weak heart. Vincent, who dreamed of exploring the planet, continues his life differently from his brother Anton, then breaks up with his family after winning a swimming match at the age of 17 and saving him from drowning. After that, I join GATTACA , but due to the development of genetic engineering, I had no other option but to work as a cleaner. Having gained the status of another man, Jerome Morrow, through a broker, Vincent re-enters GATTACA disguised as his hair and body tissue. However, when a supervisor in the company is killed, the situation changes rapidly. He experiences anger and fear in the sudden murder of a supervisor and his brother Anton's dispatch as a detective, but he observes the situation while hiding his identity as much as possible. Even though the criminal has been caught, he reveals his secret to Anton and suggests a swimming competition once again. Although the weather was bad, Vincent, who swam further than Anton, won by sprinting without leaving any energy left to return, and rescued his brother and returned to land. Vincent, who is finally involved in a Titan exploration mission, expresses his gratitude to Jerome Morrow for helping him achieve his dream through a letter. His last message ends with a deep reflection, "We may not be going on a trip, but we may be going back to our hometown." In this way, his life from GATTACA to returning to his family shows the true story of space exploration and human desire, love and courage.



GATTACA : Introducing key figures 

The movie "GATTACA" tells the true story of human desire, love, and courage through the lives of the characters. A detailed introduction and analysis of key characters will give you a deeper understanding of the film. Vincent Freeman (Jerome Morrow): The main character, Vincent Freeman, was judged to have only 30 years to live because of his innate myopia and weak heart. But his dream was a big one. It's planetary exploration. Born as a pure human being who has not undergone genetic engineering, he has been discriminated against by his younger brother Anton, and eventually works at GATTACA under the name of Jerome Morrow to achieve his dream. Jerome Morrow: Jerome Morrow is a fake name originally used by Vincent. In fact, Jerome Morrow sold his genes to Vincent despite his disability. In that sense, Jerome Morrow gets a second chance to help someone other than himself realize his dream. Anton Freeman: Younger brother Anton is born to parents like Vincent but is 'perfect' by genetic engineering. Starting with appearance and stamina that don't resemble your brother, the rivalry created between Anton and brother Vincent leads to division within the family rather than harmony, and eventually the sibling relationship is also destroyed. Irene Casas: Mrs. Irene Casas is one of the GATTACA employees, and she becomes involved in Vincent's love affair. She, too, is born as a pure human being who has not undergone genetic engineering, and faces social discrimination. But she finds out Vincent's true identity, understands and supports him. Each of these characters shows themselves fighting the world in their own way. The movie " GATTACA " emphasizes the importance of humanity, individual dreams, and courage to us through such diverse characters.


GATTACA : The impact on the film industry 

"GATTACA" is a film about science-social issues set in the future, released in 1997, and has left a deep mark on the film industry since then. By exploring complex and diverse themes such as genetic manipulation and social class system, human desires and morality, the film played an important role in bringing social dialogue beyond mere works of art. First of all, "GATTACA " laid the groundwork for discussing the real problem of genetic manipulation. The fictional future world shown in the movie is where genes play a crucial role in people's lives and social status. These settings force deep concern about the genetic engineering technologies we face: how far should we intervene? Where does humanity begin and end? Secondly, " GATTACA " presents a strong critique of the class system and discrimination. The various trials that lead character Vincent Freeman goes through show the discrimination and abuse he deserves, saying he is deemed "ineligible." These experiences make us shed new light on the injustice and discrimination that is taking place in our own world. Third, " GATTACA " says a lot about human dreams and courage. The protagonist Vincent Freeman's unyielding pursuit of his dreams despite difficulties is inspiring, reminding many audiences not to give up in the face of inaccessible goals or challenges. In the end, " GATTACA " played an important role in bringing deep thought and debate throughout society, as well as the impact it had on the film industry since then. This made " GATTACA " more than just a movie, and its value and importance are still recognized to this day.

So far, we've learned about the plot of GATTACA, the introduction of key characters, and the impact on the movie industry. I

