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Interstellar: The plot, the most impressive scene, the impact on the film industry

by 소소인베 (小小Invest) 2023. 11. 26.

Interstellar is an American and British science fiction film released in 2014 about finding a viable planet through a wormhole near Saturn. From now on, we will learn about the plot, the most impressive scenes, and the impact on the movie industry.


Interstellar Trailer  Click


Interstellar: The plot 

In the near future, the Earth was on the verge of collapse due to food shortages and environmental changes. Under these circumstances, former spacecraft pilot Joseph Cooper (Matthew MacConnerhey) will take on an important mission. The Earth has already been devastated by human error, crops have been wiped out by pests, resources have been depleted, and governments and economies have already collapsed. Joseph Cooper was living hard to protect his family and giving up his dream. Along with the global famine problem, efforts are being made to revitalize agriculture, but space travel is already considered an unnecessary field and NASA is dismantled. But one day, NASA, which was secretly conducting gravitational research, discovered a dimensional moving device called 'Warmhole.' This 'wormhole' opened up the possibility of escaping to another galaxy. Joseph Cooper finds hope when he hears the news. That's why we go on a mission to space. It is to move to another galaxy through the 'Warmhole' located on the back of Saturn in the solar system to see if humanity can survive.


Interstellar: The most impressive scene 


One of the most impressive scenes in "Instellar" is the "Planet of Water." This scene is scientifically realistic and filled with amazing visual effects, which deeply impresses the audience. 1.Scene Description: In this scene, the main character Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey) and his team embark on a journey to the planet of water to find Dr. Human (played by Matt Damon). The planet is always covered in water and unfolds in an environment of constant waves. The planet has huge waves with big waves on the water, and it pays particular attention to one of them, which is hundreds of meters high, and its protagonists are isolated on the water during times when the waves are extremely slow due to super-gravity. 2. Scientific Reality: This scene focuses on the relativity of black holes and time, gravity, and is highly appreciated for expressing it very realistically scientifically. The effects of water density and gravity are expressed in visually stunning ways, an example of Einstein's theory of relativity well applied to the film. 3. Visual Effects: The scene of the water planet is visually impressive. Giant waves shake the planet's surface, and its water creates a dark and profound atmosphere. This allows the audience to experience the mysteries and dangers of the universe. 4.Emotional elements: In this scene, the protagonist, Cooper, and his team try to overcome hardships and adversities to survive on the planet of water. In particular, the mission to find Dr. Hughman unfolds as a life-and-death competition, depicting the emotional hardships and sacrifices of Cooper and the team impressively. 5. Harmony Of Science And Touch: The Planet Of Water scene is one of the movie's key moments, combining scientific realism with emotional production in a harmonious way. It satisfies both scientific curiosity and emotion, and allows the audience to experience the dangers and beauty of space exploration. This scene from "The Planet of Water" in "Instella" is one of the artistically valuable scenes that perfectly harmonizes the scientific reality of the movie with the emotional touch. This scene is the most impressive scene that makes the movie more memorable, providing both intellectual curiosity and deep emotion to the audience.


Interstellar: The impact on the film industry 

"Interstellar" is a scientific space opera directed by Christopher Nolan, released in 2014, and is one of the works that revolutionized the film industry. Below, we will take a detailed look at the impact of Interstellar on the film industry.

1. Scientific Reality and Visual Innovation: Interstellar treated scientific reality as important and tried to express astronomical phenomena such as black holes and wormholes as accurately as possible. This made a big impression on the audience interested in science. Visual effects and art design realistically embodied space travel, black holes, and exoplanets, drawing admiration from the audience. These visual innovations had a huge impact on subsequent science fiction films. 2. Combination of Science and Art: Interstellar is a film that has succeeded in expressing scientific elements artistically, and has performed the combination of science and art very well. This combination has been referenced a lot in subsequent films, and it has greatly contributed to the emphasis on artistic expression when dealing with scientific content. 3.Expanding the genre of science fiction: 'Interstellar' played a big role in expanding the genre of science fiction. The film is more than just a space adventure, it presents philosophical considerations of human space exploration and survival. Because of this, science fiction films have moved toward trying to capture deeper stories and meanings. 4. Philosophical discussion of time and the universe: 'Interstellar' provided a philosophical discussion of time and the universe. The theme and discussion of this film greatly influenced subsequent films and literary works. In summary, "Interstellar" has revolutionized the film industry in many ways, including scientific reality, visual innovation, the combination of art and science, the expansion of the science fiction genre, and philosophical discussion. This work has played a major role in expanding our scientific understanding and perspective on the universe beyond mere science fiction movies, and still inspires many film productions.

So far, we've learned about the plot, the most impressive scenes, and the impact on the movie industry.
