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Star Wars: The Series, Key Characters, Influences on the Film World

by 소소인베 (小小Invest) 2023. 11. 29.

"Star Wars" is George Lucas's space opera film series, a nine-part media franchise. The series has gained huge popularity by producing derivatives from various media. From now on, we will introduce the series, introduce the main characters, and learn about the impact on the movie industry.


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Star Wars: The Series

Star Wars is the masterpiece of science fiction movies, and it tells a legendary story set in space. The series consists of three main categories, each revolving around different times and characters. "Star Wars Original Trilogy" (episodes 4-6) is a term referring to three original Star Wars films released from 1977 to 1983. These three works are as follows. (1) Star Wars Episode IV: New Hope (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977): The work revolves around Luke Skywalker's journey, depicting his battle with Darth Vader and the oppression of the empire. (2) Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back (1980): this work deals with the oppression of the empire and Luke's training, and the complicated relationship between Darth Vader and Luke. (3) Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi (Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, 1983): this work deals with Luke and his companions' mission to topple the empire and the demise of Darth Vader. The three works are the beginning of the Star Wars universe created by George Lucas, and have gained huge popularity worldwide due to their packed science, action, and adventure elements, and are considered iconic among Star Wars fans as they are called "original trillions." "Star Wars Prequel Trilogy" (Episode 1-3) is a term referring to three films that tell the original story of the "Star Wars" series. The three works were created after the original "Star Wars Trilogy" and are called "The Phantom Menace," "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones," and "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," respectively. The prequel trillogy covers the biographies of the original Star Wars characters, as well as the transformation of Anakin Skywalker and the story of Luke Skywalker's father, and the fall of the Jedi Order. This prequel trilogy was released from 1999 to 2005, with George Lucas as director and producer. They are known to have contributed to deeper understanding and expanding the original Star Wars series. In "Sequal Trilogy" (Episode 7-9), the long-standing conflict between Jedi and Sith ends around the newly emerged protagonist Ray, and you can see the performances of the new generation of protagonists. Also, it concludes many stories that started with the original trillogy. Star Wars on its own shows great cinematic achievements. But more important than that, it gives you the opportunity to find yourself in these works, to think about humanity and bond and courage. For this reason, Star Wars has become more than just a movie and has become a cultural icon.


Star Wars: The Key Characters

Star Wars is as famous for its diverse and attractive characters as its unique worldview. In this article, we will introduce the key figures of Star Wars and analyze their characteristics and development process. Luke Skywalker is the protagonist of the original Trilogy, starting from an ordinary farmer to a journey of becoming a Jedi knight saving the universe. His story of growth sends a message of courage, determination, and appeal to all those who are growing up, finding their own way. Princess Leah is also a character who plays an important role in the original trilogy. She is the leader of the insurgency, a powerful figure representing women's leadership. It was loved by many fans for acting for their beliefs and goals without being bound by traditional female roles. Darth Vader, originally named Anakin Skywalker, is Luke's father. Originally a Jedi, it is revealed as a dark path by temptation to power and evil. But at the last minute, he saves his son Luke and is saved. Darth Vader/Anakin characters explore complex themes such as temptation to power and evil, and conflicts between individuals and society. Lando Kalisian is a character who plays an important role in the original trilogy. He betrays his friend Han Solo and joins the empire, but he eventually becomes a member of the rebels and fights against the empire. Lando's characters show their individual development through various conflicts such as friendship, betrayal, and redemption. Star Wars also features many unique and attractive characters. Each character makes the world of Star Wars more vivid and impresses viewers.]


Star Wars: The Impact on the Film World

Star Wars has made a huge impact on the film industry with its unique worldview, groundbreaking visual effects, and intense storytelling. The film was first released in 1977 and gained huge popularity worldwide, and continued to have a lasting impact on the film industry that followed. First, Star Wars has made the science fiction (SF) genre the mainstream of popular culture. Previously, the science fiction genre was considered a non-mainstream hobby or a low-budget B-list movie, but things changed when Star Wars pushed science fiction into the center of popular culture. Second, Star Wars played a big role in the development of visual effects technology. The special effects and modeling produced by establishing a company called Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) are still used in many films and have taken a big leap forward in the development of CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) technology. Third, one of the biggest changes Star Wars has made is the concept of a "movie franchise." It has built a huge franchise by attracting fans in various ways, such as character products, action figures, and mass-producing TV series. This marketing strategy has since been followed by many movies. Finally, Star Wars has set a new standard for the film industry through its complex and in-depth storylines and character relationships. The advanced storytelling style inspired many other films and is still cited by many creators as a best practice to this day.

So far, we've learned about the series introduction of Star Wars, the introduction of key characters, and its impact on the movie industry.
