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Train to Busan: plot, character analysis, famous scenes, impact on the movie industry

by 소소인베 (小小Invest) 2023. 12. 1.

Train to Busan is a zombie film produced in South Korea in 2016. It is a very highly rated movie, which is rare for a zombie movie, as it exceeded 10 million viewers when it was released in 2016. From now on, we will learn about the plot, character analysis, famous scenes, and the impact on the movie industry.


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Train to Busan: The plot 

Train to Busan is a representative Korean zombie film, which was introduced by director Yeon Sang-ho in 2016. The film tells the story of people fleeing from a suddenly spreading zombie virus and fighting for survival. The movie begins with a scene in Seoul where businessman Oil (Sharing) and his daughter Su-an (Kim Soo-an) board the KTX to go to Busan. But at that very moment, the zombie virus starts to spread across the country, and everyone inside and outside the train is in chaos. Passengers fight for survival in their own way, and in the process, they face various human nature such as humanity, compassion, and courage.


Train to Busan: Person Analysis 

Seok-woo: The main character, Seok-woo, is a selfish businessman who thinks only of himself. She takes the KTX to Busan with her daughter Suan, but initially puts her and her daughter's safety ahead of others. Su-an: Seung-gyu's daughter Su-an shows extraordinary consideration and courage, even though she is still young. Unlike her father, she tries to help others, sometimes understanding him and taking the right path. Sanghwa: Sanghwa was originally involved in the fist world or in fighting. However, after meeting his wife, he has completely changed, and he always takes the lead in fighting and values a sense of community. He plays many roles to protect his pregnant wife. Sung-kyung: Sang-hwa's pregnant wife, Sung-kyung, is the most vulnerable on the train bound for Busan, but her courage and affection give hope to other passengers.


Train to Busan is an in-depth work that discusses human nature and social issues beyond the framework of zombie movies. The main character, Seok-woo, starts with a selfish businessman and shows how he changes under the influence of his daughter Suan and other passengers. His transformation represents a modern society that conflicts between individualism and community and must choose to survive. Sanghwa and Sung-kyung also play important roles. Sanghwa symbolizes a sense of community and courage, and Sung-kyung symbolizes strength and hope that never gives up despite being in a weak position. What we see from these characters is the value that a person has as a person.


Train to Busan: The best scene 

Train to Busan is a zombie movie that occupies an unrivaled position in the Korean movie industry. The movie not only gives horror but also touches many people's hearts with scenes of emotion and social messages. Here are the explanations of the five most impressive scenes in Train to Busan.

1. First Zombie Appearance: The journey to Busan, which begins at the beginning of the movie, with Seung-gyu and Su-an boarding the KTX. But this seemingly ordinary journey quickly turns into a horror with a girl boarding a train. The moment the girl turns into the first zombie, the seemingly safe train turns into the worst. 2. Father's Sacrifice for Daughter: Seok-woo thinks only about himself and his daughter Su-an's survival more than others at first. But in the latter part of the movie, he becomes increasingly considerate of others, and in the end, in the last scene, he sacrifices his life to save Su-an. 3. Death of Sang-hwa: Many viewers are shocked by the death of one of the two main characters, Sang-hwa. Especially, Sang-hwa's fight to protect her wife and baby after being bitten by a zombie until he changes, gives a lot of emotion and sadness. 4. Arrival at Busan Station: Su-an and Sung-kyung get out of the train and arrive at Busan Station. However, Busan Station has already been completely destroyed by the virus. The scene where Su-an barely survives, while singing a song taught by her mother, shows a moment when hope and despair coexist. 5. What scares me is not zombies but people: When passengers try to occupy a section of a train, some passengers try to exclude others. In this scene, Train to Busan shows that not only zombies but humans themselves can be feared. Train to Busan goes beyond these simple horror movies and offers in-depth implications for human nature and social issues. And these messages are delicately contained in each scene.


Train to Busan: Impact on the Film Industry 

Train to Busan has made waves in the Korean movie industry and around the world since its release in 2016. In particular, it has received a lot of praise for its unique choice of zombie genre, its touching storytelling, and its ability to capture social messages. Here are some of the major influences "Train to Busan" has had on other films.

1. Establishing Zombie Genres in Korea: Even before "Train to Busan," there were works about zombies in Korea. However, "Train to Busan" was the first time it had popularity and commercial success. It shows how attractive the zombie genre can be as one of the horror movies, and has since created an opportunity for various zombie movies and dramas to appear. 2. Horror Film Raising Social Issues: Train to Busan didn't just pursue fear and thrill. It touched the hearts of the audience by deeply delving into the problems of human nature and modern society. This approach has inspired successors as well, opening up new possibilities for delivering profound messages in horror movies. 3. Success in the International Market: Train to Busan, which was shown in many countries around the world and became very popular. Due to the success of the film in the international market, the excellent storytelling and directing skills of Korean movies, as well as actors' acting skills, have become widely known. 4. Subsequent Movies and Remakes: The Success of Train to Busan was the impetus for the film's follow-up, The Peninsula. There is also a movement abroad to remake this work, so you can see its influence. In conclusion, "Train to Busan" caused a huge stir not only in the Korean movie industry but also around the world. As a result, it has led to various changes and developments, such as the establishment of the zombie genre, the possibility of horror movies that raise social issues, and the improvement of awareness in the international market. These points show how important Train to Busan is and raise expectations about its future impact on other films.

So far, we've learned about the plot, character analysis, famous scenes, and the impact on the movie industry of Train to Busan. 
